What was your favourite thing in Year 6 so far?

Friday 28 September 2012

Year 6 - first blog!

Welcome to the blog of Year 6! This is a page all about what we have been doing at school, our homework and any news about trips and other things we are up to!

This week we have been learning and writing biographies of famous people. Mrs Hilton chose to write about Adele, Sohail wrote about David Cameron and Amina researched the life of Roald Dahl.

We had an open evening on Wednesday and some ouf our parents came in to see the class room and to meet the teachers in Year 6. Mrs Hilton gave out target booklets showing what we're trying to achieve in Literacy.

On Friday we were amazed to hear we had won the attendance in KS2. Moreover we had got 100% attendance which means last week not one single person in Year 6 was off! Well done everyone that's fantastic!

What was your favourite thing from this week?